Friday, 4 September 2009

Week #2

I've spent the evenings in meetings and then incorporating changes into the draft I prepared last night. I'm so exhausted and falling asleep while I sit here but I'm way behind in posting the Week 2 check in so here goes:

1. Walk for 1/2 an hour three times a week. Once
2. Gym 4 times a week. 3x
3. Three alcoholic drinks a week max. Yes
4. 7 hours sleep a night. Yes
5. Fruit for breakfast and at least one salad. Yes
6. Unlimited fruit and vegetables. Easy yes
7. Blog every day. 6 days

5/7. I'm afraid the downward trend will continue next week with my complete lack of exercise and slipping up slightly in the food section. Not to be helped. It will be arrested in the fourth week, never fear!

Weight = 88.4kg as of Sunday morning

N.B. Weeks run Sunday to Saturday e.g. this blog post reports on 23rd to 29th August. Weekly weigh ins occur on Sundays

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